medical expert

/Tag:medical expert

Can I Sue Medical Websites?

We’ve all been told to not believe everything we read on the internet. That piece of advice is not the easiest to follow when we have our smartphones glued to our hands for the majority of the day. So what is the tipping point of trusting the internet? If you’re relying on the world wide [...]

By | January 19th, 2017|Blog|Comments Off on Can I Sue Medical Websites?

Medical Experts Make Medical TV Shows Possible

Have you ever watched ER or General Hospital and wondered if that is really what it’s like inside hospitals all the time? Grey’s Anatomy may sometimes seem a little too good to be true and it seems that no one is really clear on whether or not Dr. Oz is even a real doctor. These [...]

By | December 1st, 2016|Blog|Comments Off on Medical Experts Make Medical TV Shows Possible