cocoa beach medical expert witness

/Tag:cocoa beach medical expert witness

The Necessary Paperwork of Medical Malpractice

If you’re filing a lawsuit against a medical provider, pharmaceutical company medical device manufacturer or like entity, there’s only so much you can say. You’ll need to provide the necessary paperwork to tell your story and prove it when it comes to a medical malpractice claim. Medical records, forms, letters and other types of documents [...]

By | May 19th, 2017|Uncategorized|Comments Off on The Necessary Paperwork of Medical Malpractice

The Ugly Side of Plastic Surgery

Today, looking your best has become almost an obsession. More and more, people are going under the knife to achieve perfection. Nips and tucks aren’t just for celebrities either; those in the mainstream are seeking plastic surgery to walk away looking like a new person. And while most cosmetic surgery patients are pleased with the [...]

By | May 5th, 2017|Blog|Comments Off on The Ugly Side of Plastic Surgery

The Value of Organ Donation

Currently, Mayo Clinic estimates that more than 120,000 people within the United States are currently waiting for a life-saving organ transplant. Sadly, many will never get the news that an organ donor has been found, which means they’ll never get that second chance at living a healthy life. Each day, people die because they didn’t [...]

By | April 21st, 2017|Blog|Comments Off on The Value of Organ Donation

Medical Expert Witnesses Used in Workers Comp Cases

The quality of care that an injured worker receives after an accident can have a direct influence on the outcome of a Worker’s Comp claim. Physicians swear an oath to “first, do no harm,” but through haste, inattention, negligence or incompetence, the opposite may occur. Patients who suffer from medical malpractice need a reliable and [...]

By | April 7th, 2017|Blog|Comments Off on Medical Expert Witnesses Used in Workers Comp Cases

What Malpractice Means For Nurses

When it comes to medical malpractice, the first thing that jumps to mind is a doctor being sued for failing to care for a patient. But in reality, doctors are not the only medical professionals with a duty to care for patients – nurses also fall into this category. Malpractice cases are brought against nurses [...]

By | March 24th, 2017|Blog|Comments Off on What Malpractice Means For Nurses

Are C-Sections Always Necessary?

A cesarean section, or "C-section," is a surgical procedure used to deliver a baby. Obstetricians may recommend this procedure when natural delivery is not possible or is viewed as unsafe. However, in some cases, doctors may recommend a C-section inappropriately. Because C-sections can result in serious complications, performing this procedure unnecessarily puts patients at a [...]

By | March 10th, 2017|Blog|Comments Off on Are C-Sections Always Necessary?

Legal Liability During Athletic Events

Kids will be kids, and a lot of the time that means getting hurt. According to USA Today, 1.35 million youths a year have serious sports injuries. Whether your own child, a friend, or a family member is participating in an athletic event, being aware of the legalities is extremely important. Of course no one [...]

By | February 16th, 2017|Blog|Comments Off on Legal Liability During Athletic Events

Malpractice Insurance: How Does It Work?

Beyond a medical degree, there is one more necessity for every healthcare professional and that is medical malpractice insurance. Of course it could be argued that knowledge, experience, and trusting patients are the most needed ingredients to be a doctor. But all of those things eventually need something to back them up, and that comes [...]

By | February 2nd, 2017|Blog|Comments Off on Malpractice Insurance: How Does It Work?

Can I Sue Medical Websites?

We’ve all been told to not believe everything we read on the internet. That piece of advice is not the easiest to follow when we have our smartphones glued to our hands for the majority of the day. So what is the tipping point of trusting the internet? If you’re relying on the world wide [...]

By | January 19th, 2017|Blog|Comments Off on Can I Sue Medical Websites?

Malpractice on Cruise Ships

Feeling sea sick? If you are enjoying a beautiful cruise, that shouldn’t be an issue. It is actually required by law that cruise ships have medical staff on board for passengers who are feeling under the weather during their vacations. However, this wasn’t always the case and unfortunately, not all cruise ship medical staff live [...]

By | January 5th, 2017|Blog|Comments Off on Malpractice on Cruise Ships