

Your Hospital Bill: What Is Tax Deductible?

When tax season rolls around, one of the top priorities on your to-do list should be tax deductions. And if you’ve spent any time in the hospital or paid other medical bills, there are a treasure trove of deductions. Many people don’t know whose medical bills are deductible. Hospital bills, [...]

The Value of a Medical Expert Witness in Court

Trying a medical malpractice case is much more than letting the facts speak for themselves. Every medical malpractice trial involves real people with a very real story. And expert medical witnesses play an important role in telling the story. They are worth their value in gold. Credibility and Persuasion An [...]

Malpractice in the Delivery Room

Birth-related medical malpractice can occur in the delivery room when a doctor or other medical staff fails to use reasonable care that causes injury to the child or mother. Possible delivery room errors include Caput succedaneum cephalohematoma, Erb’s palsy, hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy and brachial plexus injuries. All of these birth injuries [...]