

Medical Malpractice in Pediatrics

Few cases of medical malpractice are as heartbreaking as cases of pediatric malpractice. Children should be protected as much as possible, especially by the physicians caring for them when they are at their most vulnerable and are unable to care for themselves. However, many physicians are negligent or careless, leaving [...]

Why Does Malpractice Occur?

Medical malpractice lawsuits are fairly common in the United States. According to the Medical Malpractice Center, there are about 19,000 suits filed against doctors and other health care providers each year. These lawsuits are a result of a health care provider to provide appropriate treatment or to take appropriate action. [...]

The Importance of an Annual Physical

Unfortunately, many people think that a yearly annual exam isn’t really necessary, especially when they think they are in good health. But, the truth is that nearly one-third of Americans who have a chronic disease are totally unaware of it. In fact, seven out of every 10 deaths in the [...]