melbourne florida medical expert witness

/Tag:melbourne florida medical expert witness

The Value of Organ Donation

Currently, Mayo Clinic estimates that more than 120,000 people within the United States are currently waiting for a life-saving organ transplant. Sadly, many will never get the news that an organ donor has been found, which means they’ll never get that second chance at living a healthy life. Each day, people die because they didn’t [...]

By | April 21st, 2017|Blog|Comments Off on The Value of Organ Donation

Medical Expert Witnesses Used in Workers Comp Cases

The quality of care that an injured worker receives after an accident can have a direct influence on the outcome of a Worker’s Comp claim. Physicians swear an oath to “first, do no harm,” but through haste, inattention, negligence or incompetence, the opposite may occur. Patients who suffer from medical malpractice need a reliable and [...]

By | April 7th, 2017|Blog|Comments Off on Medical Expert Witnesses Used in Workers Comp Cases

Can I Sue Medical Websites?

We’ve all been told to not believe everything we read on the internet. That piece of advice is not the easiest to follow when we have our smartphones glued to our hands for the majority of the day. So what is the tipping point of trusting the internet? If you’re relying on the world wide [...]

By | January 19th, 2017|Blog|Comments Off on Can I Sue Medical Websites?

Can Bedside Manner Affect Malpractice Cases?

Human beings are social creatures, whether we like it or not. We tend to base things strictly on the way they make us feel. It is a typical human experience to go to a restaurant and have a great experience based strictly on the wait staff. Or to absolutely love the new aerobics class at [...]

By | November 17th, 2016|Blog|Comments Off on Can Bedside Manner Affect Malpractice Cases?