Timeline of a Malpractice Lawsuit
Medical malpractice suits are a legal way to enable injured patients to seek and receive compensation due to medical negligence by a medical professional. No two medical malpractice suits are the same, however, there are specific requirements for each case. These requirements include establishing that the medical professional had a [...]
Doctors who Repeat Malpractice
Believe it or not, most physicians are repeat malpractice offenders. A New England Journal of Medicine study indicated that doctors who are sued once for malpractice are generally more likely to be sued again for malpractice. “Specifically, 1 percent of physicians paid 32 percent of all malpractice claims, and the [...]
How To Find the Right Doctor For You
Finding the right doctor isn’t easy. It requires a lot of shopping and digging. You want to find a doctor who you feel has the qualifications and skills for the best care. It’s really an important professional relationship. Smart questions and some skepticism can help you find Dr. Right. The [...]